Author: Yun Wang

Translator: Yingxian Wang

During the earlier part of the 20th century, Grandpa was a long-time teacher of Chinese in the Boy’s High School Affiliate to Beijing Normal University as well as Beijing Normal University. He was also a part-time teacher at the Girls High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University, the top girls high school in Beijing and other accredited institutions. He taught Chinese, Chinese Phonetics, Chinese Phonology, and more. Grandpa was an extraordinary teacher. His students include Jingcheng Gao, Fuzeng Gao, Shuqing Shi, Cengzhong Xuu, Fushi Wang, Ruiling Deng, Niantai Sun, Nianzeng Sun, Yunzhong Lu, and Xiyan Li etc. They all later made outstanding achievements in the fields of Chinese Study, Literature, and History.

The scholars of this period had a habit of collecting books. Their book collections were not just for the sake of collection, but more for reading and research. Grandpa had a special room in the house dedicated to be his study. It occupied the best location of the family compound. He not only studied there, but often slept there, as if he was totally immersed in books. Grandpa was a not only a teacher, but he also needed to take care of his parents, raise his six children, and help out his younger siblings who were still students. No matter how difficult life was, he would allocate a quarter of his salary to buy books. In his book, Random Essays, the famous actor from Beijing People‘s Art Theater, Shizhi Yuu recalls: “In middle school, I dreamed of becoming a scholar, and would focus my study on Chinese Phonology. Chinese Phonology is so deep and profound, how can children understand it? But teachers knew how to make it not only understandable, but interesting. This intrigued me. I would admire the teacher’s knowledge and everything about them. I still see in my head the study of my middle school teacher Wang Shankai. Books were stacked up on all four sides, in the same glass bookshelves. The shelves were very tall, starting from the floor, reaching the ceiling. Professor Wang taught me, “Prelude to the meaning of words” ( 说文解字序) in this study – ‘‘古者,庖牺氏之王天下也’,‘王’,a verb here, pronounced with the fourth tone (`). In this manner, he broke down the difficult sentences into components and talked about the origin of Chinese characters. He told me it was not very believable that CangJie single handedly invented words: How can one person create all of the words? Why couldn’t other people have created some too?

Teacher Wang’s study didn’t seem to be very brightly lit, but I still remember the arrangements well- even the posture and positions of the two of us sitting there while he was teaching. How fascinating: the study and the knowledgeable owner of the study!

Grandpa’s nephew Jingchun remembers: “Uncle loved the books as if they were his life. He asked Aunt to buy lots of dark blue hand-woven clothes. He would make book covers by himself. Then he carefully put those ancient books inside. Children were not allowed to touch them.”

The following are part of grandpa’s book collections. They would make any credible library envyious Hopefully they give a glimpse of grandpa’s academic pursuit.

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(Figure: Part of Mr. Wang Shuda’s book list confiscated during the Cultural Revolution)

书目答问补正 南京国学图书馆排印二册一函 有详批注 (有本人罢免盖章)

郘亭知见传本书目 上海石印本六册一函

补后汉艺文志 南京排印本 八册

补晋书艺文志 广雅书局刻本 四册

清史稿艺文志 北京排印本 一册

郡斋读书志 四部丛刊续编本 八册一函

故宫善本书目 北京排印本 一册

故宫普通书目 北京排印本 一册

初学记 附校勘记刻本 十六册二函

幼学求源 刻本 八册一函

抱经堂丛书 直隶书局影印本 一百余册十余函

别下斋丛书 杭州影印本 二十余册二函

晨风阁丛书 刻本 十余册

安徽丛书第三期 影印本 十册一函

辞通 开明书店印本 二册

说文解字诂林 医学书局影印 正编66册 续编16册 共十函

说文解字注 成都存古书局刻本 十六册二函

说文解字 一篆一行刻本 十册一函 有马氏批注

说文释例 王氏篆刻本 十册

说文通检 广州刻本 二册一函 有批注

说文解字篆韵谱 刻本 一函 有批校

说文统释自叙注 刻本 一函 一夹板

重辑仓颉篇 排印本 二册

字林考逸 章氏刻本 四册一函

小学钩沈 龙氏刻本 四册一函 有批注

小乐雅疏 杭州局刻本 二册

广雅疏证 王氏家刻本 十册一函

埤雅 刻本 四册一函

乐雅翼 刻本 六册一函

通雅 浮山此藏轩刻本 十册一函

拾雅注 刻本 十册一函

比雅 北江全集本 二册

礼器释名 刻本 四册

方言注校 湖南局刻本 二册

方言疏证 微波榭刻本 四册

方言笺疏 广雅书局刻本 四册

通俗编 无不宜斋刻本 十二册一函

越谚 刻本 三册

和名类聚钞 刻本 四册

十韵汇编 北大影印 三大册

广韵 泽存堂刻本 二册一函 有批校

广韵 顾氏刻明本 五册

集韵 补曹刻本 十册 有马氏批注

洪武正韵 明刻本 五册一函

音韵述徽 四库珍本丛刊本 八册一函

集韵考正 永嘉丛书本 十册一函

汉魏六朝韵谱 排印本 六册一函

西儒耳目资 北大影印本 三册一函

甲骨文编 写印本 七册一函

古籀汇编 影印本 十四册一函

隶篇 刻本 十四册一函

楷法溯原 刻本 十六册一函

玉篇零卷 古逸丛书本 三册

玉篇 玉存堂刻本 三册

美篇 曹刻本 十册一夹板

龙龛手鑑 北大影印本 四册一函

汗简笺正 广雅局刻本 四册一函

汉印分韵 原刻本 四册一函

周易姚氏学 武昌局刻本 八册一函

尚书今古文注疏 苏州局刻本 八册一函

尚书今文考证 长沙局刻本 八册一函

毛诗传疏 苏州局刻本 十册一函

诗三家义集疏 长沙局刻本 八册

礼经释例 文选楼刻本 四册

仪礼私笺 贵州刻本 四册

礼记训纂 刻本 八册一函

礼记笺 郝氏刻本 八册一函

论语正义 南京局刻本 八册一函

尔雅正义 刻本 八册一函

尔雅匡名 广雅局刻 四册

十三经索引 开明书店印本 一册

十三经经文 开明书店印本 一册

墨子问诂 刻本 八册一夹板

韩非子集解 长沙局刻本 六册

淮南鸿烈集解 商务执印本 八册一函

淮南集证 中华执印本 八册一函

法言疏证 排印本 四册一函

潜夫论笺 刻本 四册一函

世说补 刻本 八册一函

梦溪笔谈 四部丛刊续编本 四册

日知録集释 四部备要本 八册一函

广阳杂记 畿辅丛书本 四册

十驾斋养新录 刻本 八册一函

乐塾读书记 广州刻本 四册一函

史记 金陵书局刻本 二十册四函

史记探原 刻本 四册

汉书补注 思贤书局刻本 三十二册四函 有加注

十七史商榷 原刻本 十六册二函 有批校

国语校注本三种 王氏刻本 四册一函

国语集解 中华书局批印本 八册一函

战国策校注 四部丛刊本 八册

资治通鑑 彩印胡刻本 三十二册

通鑑纪事本末 排印本 三十二册

水经注合校 思贤书局刻本 十六册二函 有姚大荣批注

水道提纲 刻本 八册一函

大唐西域记 支那撰述刻本 四册一函

括地志 刻本 四册一函

通州志 光绪年刻本 十六册二函

蔚州志 光绪年刻本 八册一函

历代地理志韵编 批印本 八册一函

元和姓纂 洪民刻本 四册一函

史姓韵编 排印本 十六册二函

历代名人年谱 刻本 十册一函 有校注

潜研堂金石目 刻本 一册一夹板 有批校

愙斋集古录 商务馆影印本 二十六册一函

愙斋集古录释文賸稿 商务馆影印本 二册

封泥考略 影印本 十册一夹板

铁云藏龟 影印本 十册一夹板

楚辞章句 湖北丛书本 四册一函 有批校

楚辞补注 刻本 四册一函 有批校

六臣经文选 四部丛刊本 三十册一函

文选集释 朱氏刻本 十二册

文选理学权舆补 刻本 八册一函

文选李注义疏 高氏排印本 八册

骈体文钞 康氏刻本 四册

七十家赋钞 康氏刻本 四册

古文辞类要笺 石印本 十二册一函

全上古三代秦汉三国六朝文 刻本 一百册十函

乐府诗集 四部丛刊本 十六册

曹集诠评 刻本 二册

庚子山集注 刻本 八册一函

杜诗详注 影原刊本 卅二册四函

读杜心解 刻本 八册一函

分类补注李太白诗集 四部丛刊本 十册

王右丞集注 刻本 十四册一函

韩昌黎集 局刻东雅堂本 十六册二函

柳河东集 影世䌽堂本本 十六册二函

李义诗集注 广东刻本 四册一函

王荆公文集笺注 刻本 四册

王荆公诗集补注 刻本 二册

元丰类稿 四部丛刊本 十册

谓南文集 四部丛刊本 十二册

黄山谷内集外集剔集 陈氏仿宋本 八册

南雷文案 四部丛刊本 八册

亭林诗集文集馀集 四部丛刊本 五册

霜红龛集 刻本 四册一函

戴东原集 四部丛刊本 四册

龚定庵文集诗集补编 四部丛刊本 四册

两当轩诗集 刻本 四册

纪评文心雕龙 刻本朱墨套印 八册一函

四大丛话 刻本 八册一函

绝妙好词笺 刻本 四册一函

中兴以来启选 四册一函

词律 原刻本 十六册一函

Remarks:The above listing comes from grandpa Shuda (Shankai) Wang’s “Highlights of Bibliography from Confiscated Books (During the Culture Revolution)”